
The partners in this project are the University of Nova Gorica (UNG), Slovenia and the Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), Israel. The principal investigator (PI) for the Israeli side is prof. Aaron Fait who is a famous expert in metabolomics and plant physiology. Slovenian group has expertise in materials preparation and also in viticulture studies. The PI at UNG is assoc. prof. Saim Emin. The group is composed of experienced and also young research members.

Team members at UNG – PhD students: MSc. Manel Machreki, MSc. Takwa Chouki and MSc. Jelena Topic. Postdocs: Dr. Jan Reščič, dr. Erika Jež, assist. prof. Melita Lemut, assist. prof. Lorena Butinar, and Prof. Branka Vodopivec.

Team members at BGU – prof. Amit Gross, prof. Arnon Karnieli and several PhD students.